Workshop Description
Employees are constantly encouraged to leave their “personal” issues at home and just concentrate on their jobs. When you get home you are told not to bring the stress and anxiety caused at work, home with you! Emotional intelligence recognizes that an individual is incapable of switching their feelings on and off when they desire. The module provides you with tools and techniques for managing emotionally charged work situations. Skills for controlling emotions and providing motivation are vital ingredient in effective management style and are essential for creating a productive work environment.
Learning Objective
The delegate will:
- Become aware of not only the world of facts in an organization, but also the world of emotions
- Learn techniques for giving, processing and receiving feedback
- Manage his emotions through the exercise of self-control by becoming proactive not reactive
- The ability for self and team motivation
- Recognize emotions in others through empathic listening
- Manage his relationships with his team members and bosses
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who needs to develop or strengthen their personal communication techniques in their dealings with colleagues